Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pumpkin Carving Time!

 My sister was hesitant to get dirty at first but then she rolled up her sleeves and had a blast helping clean out our pumpkin.

 I designed the face for our big pumpkin and Papa helped carve it.
 We also carved a smaller pumpkin into a cat (from Auntie Teddy's garden)!

Helping Walk Chakota

Grandma found her really long leash so we were all able to help walk Chakota!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Leavenworth Getaway for Papa's Birthday

Papa didn't have a XC meet on the weekend of his birthday, so we went to Leavenworth and visited lots of family. Karen and I had so much fun making Kodiak signs for cousin Carson's Homecoming football game against the Chelan Goats. Cascade barely pulled out an exciting win!
Cousin Johnna (home for the weekend from WSU), auntie Teddy, and cousin Dakota (home from CWU) look more and more like sisters...don't you agree??
It was GREAT to see Aunt Cathy and Uncle Bob (grandma Karen's brother from Davis, CA) who were also in Leavenworth to visit family and watch Carson's football game. Hard to believe it is his senior year! Papa met Carson 15 years ago when he was only 2 years old (Karen's current age). Wow!
 Papa taught me how to play checkers.
 We treated Papa to the Wild Huckleberry Café on the Leavenworth Golf Course for his birthday breakfast. Isn't he supposed to get the presents on his birthday? He selflessly surprised my sister and me with gifts after breakfast.

 It was one of the three Oktoberfest weekends in Leavenworth so we played "tourist" and went downtown to listen to Bavarian music at the gazebo and watch a parade. It was neat to see the entire Smith family (wearing authentic German attire) in the parade!

 Papa shares a birthday on October 18th with cousin Lola. We had a lot of fun at her Frozen birthday party at the Enchantment Park.
 Auntie Amy made these delicious cupcakes!

 Uncle Moo and his life-long friend Todd Smith (still in his attire from the parade).
 We had fun trying to pin the carrot on Olaf's nose. Auntie Amy made this cardboard cut out.
 Cousin Violet was as cute as ever.
 I had so much fun running around the playground during the birthday party!
 Uncle Kevin (dressed as Where's Waldo for Oktoberfest) snuck away from downtown to visit Lola's birthday party for a little bit. Karen is keeping a close eye on her silly uncle.
 Violet was very tired after the birthday party (snuggling in her mom's arms) but a little ice cream woke us all up!

 Uncle Moo read us one of Lola's new Frozen books she got for her birthday party.
Big goodbye hugs! Thanks for the fun weekend! Miss you and love you all.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Schilter's Farm and Pumpkin Patch

Doctor Holden

This huge box has been great for a play house, police station, library, and most recently a hospital. I had so much fun working on all my patients.

Leaf Hats with Grandpa

Grandpa Mike visited earlier this month and we took him on one of our favorite hikes. We had fun collecting colorful maple leaves along the way.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Helping Make Applesauce

My sister and I had so much fun helping my parents make spiced Honeycrisp Applesauce earlier this month. It was a lot of work but we canned 36 jars and the house smelled yummy all evening!

Saints Run Well in Oregon

We had 3 men and 1 woman in the top 10 at the George Fox Invitational. The race was very exciting! Our men's team intentionally waited on the starting line 3 seconds after the gun went off to practice going out conservatively. The strategy paid off as our men ran negative splits and finished 2nd overall as a team. Senior, Frank Krause, started out the race in last place, slowly moved through the pack for 5 miles, and then sprinted into first place during the last 400 meters of the race! Every athlete on our men's and women's team had a personal record (life-time or season-best). We're so proud of them!

We had lots of the athletes say they heard my sister and me enthusiastically yelling "Let's Rock and Roll, Saints" during the race! We hear our mama cheer this all the time. :)