Thursday, December 2, 2010

Typical Morning

I usually wake up and play in my crib for awhile before my parents come in and enjoy Canon in D with me. I'm really good at pushing the button to control the music myself. Thanks Marina Haley for the musical fish!

Then I get to pick out my outfit for the day!

Next I like playing in my booster chair in the kitchen while mommy makes me breakfast.

Now I'm ready for lots of exploration and adventure...I'm 10 months old today!


  1. Wow Holden, you sure are growing! Keeping playing music, laughing, and having fun with your mommy and papa. Hugs and kisses to you little man.

  2. Holden, you're such a great explorer and getting so grown up. Your parents might have to lower that crib soon because you're an athletic little acrobat. I can't believe you'll be a year old in a couple of months.
    Big hugs,
    Emma C.
